Morning Ritual

A morning ritual is a way that we can slow down, and take the opportunity to be present with our mind, body and spirit.


A daily morning ritual can help you start your day with ease and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, aka the ‘rest and digest’ mode. 

A morning routine should be grounded, intentional and match your lifestyle.


Put down Instagram when you first wake up.

Starting your day by activating your fight or flight stress response is going to lead to an anxious day ahead. And while yes, many folks live with mental health disorders like anxiety*, it's still important to set your days up for peace and success with a few simple tweaks in your AM routines. 

Things to avoid first thing in the morning:

✷ Checking the phone in bed

✷ Reading the news

✷ Snoozing

✷ Leaving the blinds closed

✷ Getting out of bed instantly or laying there for too long

✷ Starting your day at random

✷ Eating sugary stuff, skipping breakfast

✷ Reading Emails

✷ Avoid needless decision making


There are many ways to create a morning ritual. 

I am going to share with you my personal ritual so that you might feel inspired to incorporate this ritual into your own morning routine.


Here are my best  tips for a stress free morning ritual:

✷ Gently allow yourself to wake up after your alarm and get out of bed 

✷ Create ‘Me’ time (if you have children try to give yourself 30-60 minutes before they wake)

✷ Drink 1 glass of room temperature water 

✷ Get fresh air by opening doors & windows

✷ Ease into your day by resting on your sofa or lounger, option for pet snuggles

✷ Read or Listen for pleasure (non-business related) 

✷ Make a ritual of your morning caffeinated beverage of choice. 

We buy fresh beans from our local roaster at the farmers market. My spouse grinds the beans every morning and froths the oat milk, for a warm & cozy wake up.

Incorporate your spiritual practice (if time permits)

✷ Meditate for 5-15 minutes. (Headspace App is great for beginners)

✷ Move your body through low impact stretching or pilates

✷ Shower & groom

✷ Incorporate your skincare ritual

✷ Eat an anti-inflammatory protein rich breakfast for energy

✷ Fill your refillable water bottle with filtered water

✷ Pack a nutritious lunch to avoid last minute take out

✷ Visualize your day & set your intentions

✷ Get to work 

Many folks feel most energized in the morning and do their best creative work, if that’s you, shorten your morning ritual by moving your spiritual practice & work out to the evening.


Now that you have some basics to start with, make a commitment to yourself to uphold your daily practice.


“I _______ plan to tend to my physical self by participating in my morning ritual every day. I will strive to do this a minimum of ____ times a week. I am enhancing and healing these areas of my life: ________. I honor the desires of my heart through consistency.”


It’s important to be kind to yourself as you set up new habits. It’s easy to get discouraged if we skip a day or two. Life is progress not perfection. 

Need help getting a routine and sticking to it? I recommend the book ‘ Atomic Habits’ by James Clear if committing to new routines becomes difficult.

*Please seek out a mental health professional for personalized medical support.


Skincare Ritual